Parents are responsible to ensure their child has all the necessary equipment, that it is worn properly, is the correct size, and in good condition in accordance with Hockey Canada’s requirements.
*U7s are sponsored by Timbits and receive a Timbits jersey and socks
*U9 House players receive two Timbits sponsored jerseys and socks
*U11s House players will receive McDonalds sponsored home and away jerseys and socks
*U13-U18s House players must provide their own practice jersey. Game jerseys and socks will be distributed once the teams are formed.
Please note that the TimBits and McDonalds jerseys and socks may not arrive until October.
*Mouth Guard - optional and not required by the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association.
Parents are responsible to ensure their child has all the necessary equipment that fits and that it is worn properly in accordance with Hockey Canada’s requirements.
Full safety equipment, including a non-expired CSA approved helmet, face guard and neck guard must be worn and properly secured by all players when on the ice.